
Overview of my Research

My research deals with topics in comparative political economy with a particular focus on the relationship between state and market in advanced economies. I am currently working on four research projects:

1. Political economy of labour market policies and outcomes

I have looked at the determinants and effects of labour market policies to address the following questions:

  • What explains the cross-national variation in active labour market policies (published in the Journal of European Social Policy)
  • How to make sense of in-work benefit reforms in Bismarckian welfare regime (case of France published in French Politics)
  • What explains the cross-national variation of temporary work regulation? (published in Politics&Society)
  • Why are certain unions more protective of temporary workers than others? (joint with Dr Benassi at Royal Holloway, published in European Journal of Industrial Relations)
  • How do these policies and economic coordination affect wage inequality? (revise and resubmit)
  • How does partisanship and unions influence employment protection legislation reforms in Western Europe (joint with Dr Simoni at LSE, in preparation)

2. Political economy of Sovereign Wealth Funds investments

I have also started analysing the determinants of the regulation of investments by Sovereign Wealth Funds – state owned investment vehicles with no liability – in Western Europe and the US.

This is part of a wider project with Professor Thatcher at LSE and findings of this project will be published in a book under contract at Oxford University Press.

3. Welfare state institutions and far right party support

I have become interested in how welfare state institutions affect political behaviour. With Dr Halikiopoulou at University of Reading, we are currently exploring how these institutions affect far right party support in Europe. Some of our findings have been published in  Political Quarterly and the Journal of Common Market Studies.

4. Political economy of inflation

This project will investigate the electoral politics of inflation.

You can access many of my publications here.


I have reviewed papers for the World Politics, Socio-Economic Review, Journal of Common Market Studies, Governance, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, European Journal of Political Research, Asia Europe Journal, European Journal of Industrial RelationsStudies in Comparative International Development, and French Politics. I’ve also acted as a reviewer for Oxford University Press, Routledge and the Economic and Social Research Council.